Battle for completion is for Master Trials
- Xiantei
- Kuban
- Habuma

- Bladeshark (#73) coast SE of Xiantei
- Bouldon (#) grass around Kuban
- Bronzehorn (#430) column ruins
- Blockadus (#89) mountains N of Xiantei
- Chopperbug (#) forest west of Xiantei
- Copperhorn (#429) column ruins
- Crawlpillar (#130) forest E of Habuma
- Dimetrode (#285) near N rare ruins
- Dimetrodion (#286) near N rare ruins
- Dullakid (#113) beach area NW of Habuma
- Dullahan (#114) coast E of Kuban
- Felimancer (#242) coast SE of Xiantei
- Fenfox (#128) around Xiantei
- Flaredrake (#320) second rare ruins
- Fryena (#351) around Xiantei
- Geoceros (#230) near last temple in the forest
- Gloomshroom (#175) clearing S of Xiantei
- Gremknight (#225) near N ruins
- Gremly (#224) grass around Habuma
- Grimshroom (#176) clearing S of Xiantei
- Gryphon (#) S of Habuma (grass area past first bridge)
- Halotail (#) clearing in middle of forest E of Xiantei
- Hyenfang (#352) clearly S of Xiantei
- Inferneo (#235) forest E of Xiantei
- Islandoe (#156) S of Habuma (past the second bridge grass erea)
- Megajaw (#395) coast E of Kuban
- Miniceros (#229) near last temple in the forest
- Nightmare (#125) clearing S of Xiantei
- Otterpunk (#169) S of Habuma (past the first and second bridge grass erea)
- Otterflame (#170) around Kuban
- Parasardon (#192) around Kuban
- Ragebadger (#223) forest SW of Kuban
- Rubyfox (#129) clearing S of Xiantei
- Sabreshark (#74) coast SE of Xiantei
- Shaofist (#188) coast Se of Xiantei
- Skullwraith (#59) forest NE of Xiantei
- Skyblossom (#131) forest E of Habuma
- Spooker (#50) clearing S of Xiantei
- Spooky (#49) mountains N of Xiantei
- Stegospine (#394) near Habuma
- Wattray (#118) coast E of Kuban
Trainer Battles[]
Unnamed Trainer | |||||||
Name | Element | Active Moves | Passive Moves | ||||
Skywolf | Shadow | ||||||
Gigaceros | Earth | ||||||
Spinoraptor | Shadow | ||||||
Freezegator | Water | ||||||
Islandoe | Earth | ||||||
Charcal | Fire | ||||||
Hellataur | Fire | ||||||
Bouldon | Earth | ||||||
Remus | Earth | ||||||
Archswan | Holy | ||||||
Flufferno | Fire | ||||||
Mongsoon | Storm | ||||||
Jabbit | Earth | ||||||
Chainhorn | Earth | ||||||
Twigster | Earth | ||||||
Goldram | Fire |
Unnamed Trainer | |||||||
Name | Element | Active Moves | Passive Moves | ||||
Galvadillo | Storm | ||||||
Rockfin | Water | ||||||
Dimetrodion | Storm | ||||||
Pegasion | Holy | ||||||
Dahargan | Shadow | ||||||
Mammut | Water | ||||||
Seabark | Water | ||||||
Seastead | Water | ||||||
Dullakhan | Shadow | ||||||
Archswan | Holy | ||||||
Garudahawk | Storm | ||||||
Catobledus | Earth | ||||||
Cloudtail | Storm | ||||||
Octojungle | Earth | ||||||
Meowzard | Holy | ||||||
Tengustorm | Storm |
Unnamed Trainer | |||||||
Name | Element | Active Moves | Passive Moves | ||||
Grimshroom | Earth | ||||||
Gremknight | Storm | ||||||
Bouldon | Earth | ||||||
Shadeswan | Shadow | ||||||
Stegospike | Earth | ||||||
Thunderhoof | Storm | ||||||
Leviavolt | Storm | ||||||
Snowstag | Water | ||||||
Flamenix | Fire | ||||||
Parasardon | Storm | ||||||
Toucan | Storm | ||||||
Helldactyl | Shadow | ||||||
Roguewind | Storm | ||||||
Voltiger | Storm | ||||||
Stormfox | Storm |
Rishka | |||||||
Name | Element | Active Moves | Passive Moves | ||||
Glazio | Water | ||||||
Gigawolf | Water | ||||||
Toucan | Storm | ||||||
Humboss | Storm | ||||||
Cryptguard | Earth | ||||||
Spiderix | Earth | ||||||
Snowja | Water | ||||||
Zerotiger | Water | ||||||
Rhynobrawl | Earth | ||||||
Yetigo | Water | ||||||
Skyblossum | Earth | ||||||
Felimancer | Shadow | ||||||
Rajin | Storm | ||||||
Trizeratops | Water | ||||||
Freeznix | Water | ||||||
Bombspider | Holy |