Neo Monsters Wikia


This skill sacrifices the user to put all teammates and enemies to sleep. It can only be used after the user has been in battle for more than 100 seconds since its first turn, and it does not work against poisoned monsters (Sacrifice Self)

NOTE: Put all monsters on the field to sleep for ~300 sec


Use this move when you have a Purify or Dreamhunt monster next in line or when you have bomb or survivor monsters on the field. Or, if you have a monster with any death sentence move, set it up and then use this move.

Synergy with: Purify, Dreamhunt, Death Sentence, Twin Death Sentence, Survivor, Poisoned Teammates

Strong against: Unpoisoned Enemies

Weak against: Sleep Killer, Poisoned Enemies


25 Pterosoar Storm 0 1
81 Chopperbug Storm 1 4
123 Orcow Water 1 4
158 Flamerunner Fire 1 2
159 Blazerunner Fire 1 5
176 Grimshroom Earth 2 6
199 Archeloth Water 2 6
216 Mongsoon Storm 1 5
223 Ragebadger Fire 1 5
242 Felimancer Shadow 2 6
293 Beetlebrave Earth 3.5 6
294 Gigasect Earth 4 8
333 Demihorus Holy 3 7
342 Mandaroot Earth 1 5
526 Metallodius Shadow 3.5 6
527 Metallodimus Shadow 4 8
623 Moltasmus Fire 3.5 6
624 Moltagant Fire 4 8
655 Nimbuff Storm 3.5 6
656 Nimboss Storm 4 8
Sandalot Earth 4 8
Goldirel Holy 4 8