Neo Monsters Wikia


This skill gives the user's turn to 1 teammate. This skill can only be used up to 5 times in a battle (160sec)


Synergy with: Bloodcrave, Bloodthirst, Bloodfury, Purify, Stun Moves, Sleep Moves, Timed Moves

Strong against: Stun Moves

Weak against:


10 Tombguard Earth 0 1
24 Pteroling Storm 0 1
25 Pterosoar Storm 0 1
106 Clioseraph Holy 4 8
134 Platybill Water 0 1
135 Platybeak Water 0 2
147 Ribbitoid Water 2 1
148 Ribbigear Water 2 6
178 Pengster Storm 1 2
179 Pengboss Storm 1 4
292 Beetler Earth 3.5 4
293 Beetlebrave Earth 3.5 6
294 Gigasect Earth 4 8
373 Seapup Water 3.5 4
374 Seabark Water 3.5 6
375 Seahowl Water 4 8
376 Nubis Holy 3.5 4
377 Anubis Holy 3.5 6
378 Anubirom Holy 4 8
411 Halopup Holy 3.5 4
412 Halowolf Holy 3.5 6
413 Archwolf Holy 4 8
587 Serapheon Holy 6 13
724 Tedbeast Shadow 4 8
764 Vilegrin Earth 4 8
805 Lavahawk Fire 5.5 8
926 Aegisdragon Holy 6 13
965 Serazael Holy 5 10
1060 Subliathan Water 5.5 8
1061 Mechaviathan Water 6 13