I think she's elegant
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Nobody updates new monsters like Cyclophina and IDK how to do that.
Hello there, I have been wondering what 'ELEM' means. Can you guys tell me?
I did the evolution of rexrong and all my remaining guardians are gone
I did the evolution of rexkong, and all my another beasts gone, i need help in getting them back
Hello I'm trying to complete my monster dex but got stuck on Sluga. The wiki page said it's located South of Stone temple, but all I find there is Naga the evolved form. Are there any alternate locations to obtain and if so specific detail or pics would be greatly appreciated
I need locations for nubis,
I remember finding Nibus somewhere but I forgot where it was
Im new in wiki
4 Votes in Poll
I hope someone who developed this game, will release full monster artwork, like monsters and more characters in true 4K quality with transparent or white background, Can someone contact the artist of the game?
Why cannot connect to sever?
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Have fun!
Constantly losing that one battle?
Tried every combination that you think is possible?
On the verge of giving up?
Then this discussion is for you!!!
Post here and then myself or another kind soul will direct ourselves to your message wall and we will assist you there. When you are being assisted make sure you have the game opened so you can have your monster list out.
Beastly and I have been discussing how to handle basic damage moves (i.e. Gigaflame, Ultrawave All, etc.)
One idea is to link everything and have each move redirect to a general damage move page that will list all damage moves and the heirarchy (super, mega, giga...)
A disadvantage of this is that the links make special moves (bloodthirst, timestrike...) stand out in the moves list.
What do you think we should do? Any additional suggestions?
Anyone who knows how to post pics wanna tackle these three? Please and thank you!
All you have to do is paste ?action=purge at the end of the url on the page with the red link
I don't know why it has stopped updating automatically- maybe our wiki is getting too big!
I almost finished this game, and after that I've won against all enemies I would try to get new legendary or super epic monsters from the gold eggs. I've red on the web different ways to get unlimited gems, and i've tried a lot of this ways but they didn,t works. Someone managed to get unlimited gems and can explain me the way? please
If anyone reads this, thanks for your help! I have just been appointed admin and have used that power to improve top navigation. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve the wiki.